Friday, February 4, 2011

Shredded Chicken for many recipes!

Hey guys! This is a recipe to make shredded chicken in advance for many other recipes.  It is super simple and makes weeknight  dinners a snap! I buy boneless skinless chicken breasts when it's on sale, cook it up in the crock pot, shred it, and freeze! Directions below!

-as many boneless, skinless, chicken breasts as you want (about 10 or so)
- 1 cup of water
- garlic powder
- salt
- pepper

Take your chicken breasts and trim off the few pieces of fat.  I usually cut them in 2 or 3 pieces, depending on how big they are so they cook more evenly.  You an even do with this with frozen chicken if you just thaw first.  In the crock pot,  mix together the water, salt, pepper, and garlic powder (about a tsp each, more or less depending on how much chicken you have). Add the chicken and cook on high about 8 hours.  Stir every now and then so the chicken gets evenly cooked.  Take the chicken out of the water and shred.  Place in freezer bags in about 2 cup portions (or what most of your recipes call for).  Label and place in freezer.  When you want to use the chicken in a recipe, simply defrost in the microwave and use in recipe as usual!